Heute gibt es wieder ein Interview.
Der nächste MVP hat sich meinen Fragen gestellt, diesmal war es Steve Buchanan.
Mister SCDPM himself, Autor von vielen Büchern und ein DPM Urgestein. Leider konnte ich Steve noch nie persönlich treffen, hoffe aber das sich das bald ändern wird.
Ab hier stellt sich Steve vor und beantwortet meine Fragen, zum Schluss gibt es noch alle Links auf denen Steve sein Wissen weitergibt.
Small Introduction of you and what you are doing
My name is Steve Buchanan. I am a regional solution lead with Concurrency. Concurrency is an IT Consulting firm based in the US. I am a three-time Microsoft System Center MVP, and author of several technical books focused on the System Center platform.
I am focused on transforming IT departments through DevOps, service management, systems management, and cloud technologies. My focus recently is to dive deeper into business intelligence, development and anything PowerShell such as SMA, DSC etc…. This is a very exciting time to be a part of IT and I am glad to be in the space.
What will be your next book?
I recently published the System Center 2012 Service Manager Unleashed as a co-author. This is a good book with a team of great authors. I don’t have another book currently in the works. I am however working on a few projects.
I am working as a technical reviewer of two books. They are:
Microsoft System Center Reporting Cookbook
System Center Data Protection Manager Cookbook
I also am working on a very exciting whitepaper for Savision. The title is Service Management’s Role in Private Cloud. It will be covering the role that service management plays in the Private Cloud story with a focus on Service Manager, other System Center products, Azure Pack and Savision’s Live Maps Unity.
My favorite component is Service Manager. Service Manager integrates with the other System Center components so you get to work with the others as well. Service Manager projects are very interesting and challenging
I will update my blog as these project progress.
What was your way to IT?
Well I have been in Information Technology for over 15 years. My interests in computers started in my senior year of high school when I landed a position building computers/servers for a small computer company.
I caught the technology bug during that time and have not looked back. I have held various positions since then. I have been on help desk, website development/administration, network and system administration, IT manager, and now I am in consulting.
It has been a fun ride and I am looking forward to the future.
Your favorite System Center Product
I float around the System Center stack so I pretty much get to work with all of the System Center components.
My favorite component is Service Manager. Service Manager integrates with the other System Center components so you get to work with the others as well. Service Manager projects are very interesting and challenging.
Your favorite System Center Feature?
I don’t know if I have one favorite feature. One thing that has drawn me to focus on System Center is the tight integration among all the components. Have one toolset to manage your entire IT is a HUGE deal.
What does the MVP means for you?
Being an MVP is about giving back to the community in any way you can. Some speak, some write books, some help in forums, some blog, some build awesome free tools. There are so many ways to contribute in the community.
Being an MVP also is about networking. It is a chance to meet and build relationships with the Microsoft internal teams and MVP’s from all over the world who happen to be some of the best technical folks in the world.
Being an MVP is an honor. I had no idea I would be awarded into the program.
Which Guy from the IT are your “Role Models” and why?
There are many Role Models in IT. Too many to name them all. A couple that come top of mind are:
System Center MVP: Cameron Fuller
I have always read Camron’s blogs, books and have seen him present. Camron not only shares technical content with the community but he also shares everyday practical content. Once I became an MVP I got a chance to get to know Cameron and he is a great guy. He is a great example of what being an MVP should encompass.
I am interested to see what direction Microsoft takes with this event because it has all of the technology platforms rolled into one
SharePoint MVP: Ben Curry
I worked with Ben at Mindsharp. He was an influence on my career. I have seen him go from being an employee to a successful business owner without losing his technical edge and that is inspiring.
On which Conferences will you attend next year, TechEd, SCU….?
Microsoft Ignite 2015 – I am interested to see what direction Microsoft takes with this event because it has all of the technology platforms rolled into one.
System Center Universe 2015 – I will attend this virtually with my local user group (Minnesota System Center User Group). This is an all-around great event on System Center.
MMS 2015 – This is a great conference for the System Center community. It is MMS rebooted. The last one was a great success with a lot of great System Center folks there sharing valuable information.
Last Words?
I want to say Thanks Michael for the opportunity to be interviewed. I do my best to stay active in the System Center community and enjoy blogging about my adventures in the world of IT at www.buchatech.com. You can also follow me on twitter @buchatech.
Ich danke Steve für die Zeit und die ausführlichen Antworten auf meine Fragen, hier noch eine Liste wie ihr mit Thomas in Kontakt treten könnt:
Blog: www.buchatech.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/buchatech
Michael Seidl aka Techguy
Sehr interessantes Interview, einfach toll zum Durchlesen
Liebe Grüße