Lange habe ich an diesem Script gearbeitet bis es soweit war, die erste Version zu veröffentlichen. Wie der Titel schon ahnen lässt, behebt dieses Script alle aktuellen SCDPM Alerts.
Aber im Gegensatz zu anderen Scripten die es von dieser Art schon gibt, mach ich hier nicht einfach die “reommende Action” sondern starte für jeden Alert Type, dementsprechend die Aktion die notwendig ist.
Und ich kann hier schon mal verraten, ich vergrößere auch die SCDPM Volumes, sofern es notwendig ist, aber dazu im Artikel mehr.
Die Features
Hier mal eine Liste, welche Fehler dieses Script in der aktuellen Version 1.0 behebt.
- Replica Volume Size Alert
- Shadow Copy Volume Size Alert
- Error created by primary SCDPM Server
- Tape Errors
- Server or Agent not responding
- Replica inactive
- Job was canceled
- Protectiongroup was modified
- VSS Error
Also schon eine ganze Meng wie ich finde habe dieses Script bei einigen Installation eingerichtet, und soweit ganz gute Erfahrungen gemacht.
Das Script
Zuerst wird das SCDPM PowerShell Module importiert, danach die Variablen definiert.
#*============================================= #* IMPORT MODULES #*============================================= # Module: DataProtection Manager Import-Module DataProtectionManager #*============================================= #* END IMPORT MODULES #*============================================= #*============================================= #* VARIABLE DECLARATION #*============================================= # Variables: Config # Set Location Path $WorkingPath = "D:\_Scripts\Resolve\" $LogfileName="AlertLogging.txt" $LogPublic="Yes" $DPMServerName="$env:computername" $AlertCSV='AllAlerts.csv' $ExtendedAlertCSV='ExtAllAlerts.csv' $remainingAlertCSV='remAllAlerts.csv' $remainingExtendedAlertCSV='remExtAllAlerts.csv' $PSPre="3" if ($Host.Version.Major -ge $PSPre) { } else { Write-Host "Wrong PS Version, you are running Version: " $Host.Version.Major Write-Host "You need PowerShell V3" Write-Host "Download PowerShell V3:" Write-Host "Press Key to exit...." $x=$HOST.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") exit }
Danach erfolgt die Definition der Funktionen fürs Logging und noch viel wichtiger für unsere SCDPM Jobs
#*============================================= #* END VARIABLE DECLARATION #*============================================= #*============================================= #* FUNCTION LISTINGS #*============================================= # Functions : Admin Function Write-Log ($Text, $Value) { # Set Variables for Logging $Date=Get-Date -format dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss $Log="$Date - $Text $Value" # Check if Path or File exists if (!(Test-Path -Path $WorkingPath)) { New-Item -Path $WorkingPath -ItemType Directory } if (!(Test-Path -Path $WorkingPath$LogfileName)) { New-Item -Path $WorkingPath$LogfileName -ItemType File } # Write Log add-Content -Path $WorkingPath$LogfileName -Value $Log # Write Log to PS if $LogPublic is Yes if ($LogPublic -eq "Yes") { if ($Log -match "INFO:") { Write-Host $Log -ForegroundColor Green } elseif ($Log -match "WARNING:") { Write-Host $Log -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif ($Log -match "ERROR:") { Write-Host $Log -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Host $Log } } # If a Error is present, write to Log if ($error.Count -gt "0") { $ErrorLog=$Date+' - '+"Error:"+$error add-Content -Path $WorkingPath$LogfileName -Value $Log $error.clear() } } # Functions : ResolveAlerts Function Inactive-Alert ($Alert){ # Set Alert to inactive if there was no error if ($Error[0] -eq $null) { $Alert.ResolveAlert() Write-Log "INFO: Set Alert to inactive: " $Alert.Datasource } $Error.Clear() } Function Query-DSJobs ($DS) { # Query DS if there is an active Job Write-Log "Info: Query DS for running job: " $DS.Name if ((Get-DPMJob -Datasource $DS -Status InProgress | where {$_.JobCategory -ne "ArchiveFromSC"}).count -ne 0) { Write-Log "WARNING: The is a running Job for DS: " $DS.Name return $False } else { Write-Log "INFO: No running Jobs for DS: " $DS.Name return $True } } Function Create-Recoverypoint ($Alert) { # Run Create a RecoverPoint for affected DS of Alert Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Create-Recoverypoint for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource # Get affected DS of Alert $DS=Get-Datasource -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.DatasourceID -eq $Alert.ObjectID -and $_.CurrentProtectionState -ne "Unprotected"} Write-Log "INFO: Datasoruce is: " $DS.Name if ((Query-DSJobs $DS)) { Write-Log "INFO: New RecoverPoint for DS: " $DS.Name New-RecoveryPoint -Datasource $DS -Disk -DiskRecoveryPointOption withsynchronize | Out-Null #Inactive-Alert $Alert } } Function Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert ($Alert) { # Try to solve Agent unreachable Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Resolve-AgentUnreachable for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource # Get Server of Alert $PS=Get-DPMProductionServer -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$Alert.server -eq $_.Name} -verbose Write-Log "INFO: Refresh Server: " $PS.ServerName Refresh-DPMProductionServer $PS -Verbose #Inactive-Alert $Alert } Function Resolve-InvalidState ($Alert) { # Run Consistency Check for affected DS of Alert Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Resolve-InvalidState for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource # Get affected DS of Alert $DS=Get-Datasource -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.DatasourceID -eq $Alert.ObjectID -and $_.CurrentProtectionState -ne "Unprotected"} Write-Log "INFO: Datasoruce is: " $DS.Name if ((Query-DSJobs $DS)) { Write-Log "INFO: ConsistencyCheck for DS: " $DS.Name Start-DPMDatasourceConsistencyCheck -Datasource $DS | Out-Null #Inactive-Alert $Alert } } Function Start-RecommendedAction ($Alert){ # Run Recomended Actions for Alert Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Start-RecommendedAction for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource $Alert.TakeRecommendedAction() #Inactive-Alert $Alert } Function Resume-Tape ($Alert){ # Resum Tape Jobs Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Resume-Tape for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource $Alert.TakeRecommendedAction($alert.GetAdhocJobsContext()) | Out-Null #Inactive-Alert $Alert } Function Resolve-ProtectionFailedAlert ($Alert){ # Resolve Alerts where Protection failed Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Resolve-ProtectionFailedAlert for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource # Get affected DS of Alert $DS=Get-Datasource -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.DatasourceID -eq $Alert.ObjectID -and $_.CurrentProtectionState -ne "Unprotected"} Write-Log "INFO: Datasoruce is: " $DS.Name if ((Query-DSJobs $DS)) { Write-Log "INFO: Recomended Action for DS: " $DS.Name $Alert.TakeRecommendedAction() Write-Log "INFO: Wait 5 Seconds to take recommended Action to effect" sleep -Seconds 5 Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } } Function Get-PrimaryDPM ($Alert) { # Resolve Alerts on Primary DPM which affecting this DPM Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Get-PrimaryDPM for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource # Get affected DS of Alert $DS=Get-Datasource -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.DatasourceID -eq $Alert.ObjectID -and $_.CurrentProtectionState -ne "Unprotected"} Write-Log "INFO: Datasoruce is: " $DS.Name # Get Source DPM Server $PrimaryDPMServer=$DS.SourceDPMServer Write-Log "INFO: The primary DPM Server is: " $PrimaryDPMServer # Get Computer affected on Primary DPM Server $PrimaryDPMDSComputer=$DS.Computer Write-Log "INFO: The affected Server on Primary DPM is: " $PrimaryDPMDSComputer # Get DS on primary DPM Server $PrimaryDPMDSName=$DS.Name Write-Log "INFO: The affected DS on Primary DPM is: " $PrimaryDPMDSName # Disconnect from DPM Server Disconnect-DPMServer Write-Log "INFO: Disconnect from this DPM Server" $PrimaryDPMDS=Get-Datasource -DPMServerName $PrimaryDPMServer | where {$_.Computer -eq $PrimaryDPMDSComputer -and $_.Name -eq $PrimaryDPMDSName} Write-Log "INFO: Start ConsistencyCheck on remote DPM Server" Start-DPMDatasourceConsistencyCheck -Datasource $PrimaryDPMDS Disconnect-DPMServer } Function Expand-ReplicaVolume ($Alert){ # Expand Replica Volume Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Expand-ReplicaVolume for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource # Get affected DS of Alert $DS=Get-Datasource -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.DatasourceID -eq $Alert.ObjectID -and $_.CurrentProtectionState -ne "Unprotected"} Write-Log "INFO: Datasoruce is: " $DS.Name # Get Protectiongroup of Alert $PG=Get-ProtectionGroup -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.Name -eq $} # Modify ProtectionGroup $MPG = Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup $PG if (!$ds) { Write-Log "ERROR: Failed to get DataSoruce: " $DS.Name } else{ $ReplicaSize = $ds.ReplicaSize # Increase new Replica Size with 20% $NewReplicaSize = $ReplicaSize * 1.2 $OldSize = "{0:N2}" -f ($ReplicaSize/1GB) $NewSize = "{0:N2}" -f ($NewReplicaSize/1GB) Write-Log "Info: Modifying Replica Disk Allocation from $OldSize to $NewSize..." Set-DatasourceDiskAllocation -Manual -Datasource $ds -ProtectionGroup $MPG -ReplicaArea $NewReplicaSize Set-ProtectionGroup $MPG } } Function Expand-RecoveryVolume ($Alert){ # Expand Recovery Volume Write-Log "INFO: Try to run Expand-RecoveryVolume for Alert: " $Alert.Datasource # Get affected DS of Alert $DS=Get-Datasource -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.DatasourceID -eq $Alert.ObjectID -and $_.CurrentProtectionState -ne "Unprotected"} Write-Log "INFO: Datasoruce is: " $DS.Name # Get Protectiongroup of Alert $PG=Get-ProtectionGroup -DPMServerName $DPMServerName | where {$_.Name -eq $} # Modify ProtectionGroup $MPG = Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup $PG if (!$ds){ Write-Log "ERROR: Failed to get DataSoruce: " $DS.Name }else { $SCSize = $ds.ShadowCopyAreaSize # Increase new SchadowCopy Size with 20% $NewSCSize = $SCSize * 1.2 $OldSize = "{0:N2}" -f ($SCSize/1GB) $NewSize = "{0:N2}" -f ($NewSCSize/1GB) Write-Log "INFO: Modifying Recovery Point Disk Allocation from $OldSize to $NewSize..." Set-DatasourceDiskAllocation -Manual -Datasource $ds -ProtectionGroup $MPG -ShadowCopyArea $NewSCSize Set-ProtectionGroup $MPG } }
Danach folgt das Herzstück, hier passiert die Magie.
#*============================================= #* END FUNCTION LISTINGS #*============================================= #*============================================= #* SCRIPT BODY #*============================================= # Get all Alerts for Errorhandling $Alerts=Get-DPMAlert | Sort-Object Priority # Get all allerts for documentation Get-DPMAlert | Sort-Object Priority | select * | Export-Csv -Path $WorkingPath$AlertCSV -Append #Get-DPMAlert | Sort-Object Priority | select -ExpandProperty ErrorInfo | Export-Csv -Path $WorkingPath$ExtendedAlertCSV -Append foreach ($Alert in $Alerts) { #* COMMUNICATION #*============================================= if ($Alert.Type -eq "AgentUnreachableAlert"){ # Host or Agent not reachable Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RMAgent") { Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "AgentUnreachableAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "AMHostUnreachable"){ Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmDCOMAgentCommunicationError") { # Commuinication failed Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmAgentNotResponding"){ # Commuinication failed Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmAgentCommunicationError"){ # Commuinication failed Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmDCOMAgentCommunicationError"){ # Commuinication failed Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "SynchronizationFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmDCOMAgentCommunicationError"){ # Commuinication failed Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } #* VOLUMES #*============================================= if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyConsolidationRequired" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "ShadowCopyInsufficientStorage"){ # not Enough Space for RecoveryVolume Expand-RecoveryVolume $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmNotEnoughSpaceOnReplica") { # not Enough Space for ReplicaVolume Expand-ReplicaVolume $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmShadowcopyAreaFull") { # not Enough Space for RecoveryVolume Expand-RecoveryVolume $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } #* REPLICA INVALID #*============================================= if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "ShadowCopyInProgress"){ # Replica inactive Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "ShadowCopyInProgress"){ # Replica inactive Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmConfigureProtectionNeeded"){ # Replica inaktive Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "CancelledOnRestart"){ # Replica inaktive in case of a reboot Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "ReplicasInvalidAfterUpgrade"){ # Replic inaktive after upgrade Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "EngineCancelledJob"){ # Job was canceld Resolve-AgentUnreachableAlert $Alert Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmCannotApplyChanges"){ # Changes cannot be applied Create-Recoverypoint $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmUnableToCleanupReplica"){ # Failed to clean up old incremental Backups Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "SimilarTaskExistsForDatasource"){ # Similar Job #Inactive-Alert $Alert } #* SHADOWCOPY INVALID #*============================================= if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmVssErrorRetryable"){ # VSS Error Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmExchangeLogChainBroken"){ # VSS Error Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmExchangeAnotherBackupInProgress"){ # VSS Error Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "ShadowCopyCreationSkipped"){ # No Changes or no Sync Create-Recoverypoint $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "EngineCancelledJob"){ # Protectiongroup was modified Create-Recoverypoint $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "CancelledOnRestart"){ # Replica inactive in case of a reboot Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } #* TAPES #*============================================= if ($Alert.Type -eq "BackupToTapeFailedAlert") { # Tape Backup Failed Resume-Tape $Alert sleep -Seconds 5 } if ($Alert.Type -eq "DetailedInventoryFailedAlert"){ # Tape Detailed Inventory failed Start-RecommendedAction $Alert } #* PRIMARY DPM #*============================================= if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmNonRetryableWriterErrorForDR"){ # Primary DPM has invalid replica, try to do a replica on primary Get-PrimaryDPM $Alert } #* OTHER STUFF #*============================================= if ($Alert.Type -eq "ConfigureProtectionFailedAlert") { Resolve-ProtectionFailedAlert $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "RunVerificationJob" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmCannotApplyChanges") { # Replica inaktive in case of Sync error, File Exists Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyConsolidationRequired" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "ShadowCopyInProgress") { # alert can be set to inactive #Inactive-Alert $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailedAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "PrmSQLLogChainBroken") { # SQL Log Chain error Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "FilterTrackingFailed") { # Filtertracking Failed in case of reboot Resolve-InvalidState $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailure" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmAgentInUnexpectedState") { # Unexpected State of Agent Create-Recoverypoint $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailure" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmAgentInUnexpectedState") { # Unexpected State of Agent Create-Recoverypoint $Alert } if ($Alert.Type -eq "ShadowCopyFailure" -and $Alert.DetailedErrorInfo.code -match "RmAgentInUnexpectedState") { # Unexpected State of Agent Create-Recoverypoint $Alert } } # Get all allerts for documentation which are not solved Get-DPMAlert | Sort-Object Priority | select * | Export-Csv -Path $WorkingPath$remainingAlertCSV -Append #Get-DPMAlert | Sort-Object Priority | select -ExpandProperty ErrorInfo | Export-Csv -Path $WorkingPath$remainingExtendedAlertCSV -Append #*============================================= #* END SCRIPT BODY #*=============================================
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Michael Seidl aka Techguy
Cooles Script
Muss ich das täglich ausführen?
Scheduled Task?
Hallo, ich würde als täglichen Task ausführen, bitte aber nicht vergessen den DPM trotzdem regelmässig zu kontrollieren.
Ja schon klar. Vielen Dank
Wenn ich das Script starten möchte jammert er mir an das ein Dienst nicht laufen würde … welcher Dienst wird denn benötigt?
(ID: 948) Verify that the DPM service is running on this computer.
Das Script ist so geschrieben das es standardmäßig auf dem SCDPM Server ausgeführt wird.
ich denke das Script wurde nicht am SCDPM Server gestartet?
Doch habe es auf dem DPM ausgeführt, habe es jetzt auch teilweise hinbekommen. Musste Powershell als Admin auf dem DPM ausführen, jetzt kommt er einen Schritt weiter.
Jetzt erhalte ich allerdings die Fehlermeldung er den DS nicht findet:
19.06.2015-13:20:59 – INFO: Datasoruce is:
19.06.2015-13:20:59 – Info: Query DS for running job:
Get-DPMJob : Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘Datasource’. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the
command again.
At C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\Resolvealerts.ps1:166 char:33
+ if ((Get-DPMJob -Datasource $DS -Status InProgress | where {$_.JobCategory – …
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Get-DPMJob], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Cmdlet.GetDpmJobCmdle
das Script liest alle Fehler aus und geht diese nacheinander durch, grundsätzlich sollte das Script weiterlaufen, denke das du noch Fehler im Log hast, wo keine DS vorhanden ist, werde das mal beim nächsten release berücksichtigen.
Ich bekomme Fehler. Ich lasse es über ISE (admin) am DPM 2019 laufen:
PS C:\Windows\system32> C:\Software\Scripts\ResolveDPMalerts\Resolvealerts.ps1
Cannot convert value “System.String” to type “System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter”.
Boolean parameters accept only Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0.
At C:\Software\Scripts\ResolveDPMalerts\Resolvealerts.ps1:82 char:1
+ $LogPublic=”Yes”
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (:) [], ArgumentTransformationMetadataException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException
Export-Csv : Could not find a part of the path ‘D:\_Scripts\Resolve\AllAlerts.csv’.
At C:\Software\Scripts\ResolveDPMalerts\Resolvealerts.ps1:355 char:50
+ … Priority | select * | Export-Csv -Path $WorkingPath$AlertCSV -Append
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (:) [Export-Csv], DirectoryNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : FileOpenFailure,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ExportCsvCommand
Directory: D:\_Scripts
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
—- ————- —— —-
d—– 7/6/2020 12:06 PM Resolve
Directory: D:\_Scripts\Resolve
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
—- ————- —— —-
-a—- 7/6/2020 12:06 PM 0 AlertLogging.txt
Exception calling “TakeRecommendedAction” with “1” argument(s): “Job record not found”
At C:\Software\Scripts\ResolveDPMalerts\Resolvealerts.ps1:230 char:5
+ $Alert.TakeRecommendedAction($alert.GetAdhocJobsContext()) | Out- …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DBCorruptionException
du hast leider einige Anpassungen gemacht die nicht funktionieren, und die Pfade musst du auch anpassen
Hallo Herr Seidl,
der Post ist schon etwas älter, dennoch meine Frage: Kann das Skript auch unter der aktuellen SCDPM Version 2019 UR4 verwendet werden? Ich habe momentan mit dem Fehler “DPM failed to clean up data of old incremental replica…” zu kämpfen, dies scheint das Skript auch zu beheben? Gibt es ansonsten eine manuelle Fehlerbehebung dazu?
ich hab leider schon länger nicht mehr mit DPM gearbeitet, daher kann ich dir leider keine Antwort geben.